Celebrate the 4th of July holiday weekend at the Lincolnshire Art Festival! Art lovers from Chicago’s north and western suburbs look forward to this event, which takes place around the central fountain at Lincolnshire’s beautiful Village Green. This beloved summer show celebrates 27 years of bringing spectacular art to the community! '80' juried artists from near and far display and sell their work including paintings, sculptures, jewelry, ceramics and more!
Live music, festival food, art demonstrations and an excellent selection of beer from Half Day Brewery add to the weekend festivities.
Look for the “Kid Friendly” booth signs where artists welcome children to stop at their booths to learn more about the art making process.
The Kids Art Zone features art projects, face painting, sand art and the new self-portrait project.
Several artists from this show are participating in Amdur Productions’ Green Ribbon Project. Artists place a green ribbon on a piece of art in their booth, and if the piece is sold, 10% of the sale will be donated to Amdur’s charitable partner, which is the Chicago Furniture Bank. For more information, contact Amdur Productions at 847-926-4300 or visit https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__amdurproductions.com_event_lincolnshire-2Dart-2Dfestival_&d=DwIFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=qWK89xhvw9WKUXXwThazDw&m=dP4grv5sodY0QpyjyGWyR-xEoD06lKZv6Jo0kRu2RmeP91MPaMV7fFO-cmtv8_SW&s=Zl5710vhCci5QWX-OxRMxWj38ntQ4poFRnCuKjpl6oo&e=
*****Attendees are invited to bring their gently used art to the festival where it will be donated to the Chicago Furniture Bank, a nonprofit that distributes furnishings and art to those leaving shelters and moving into permanent housing*****
Saturday Jul 6, 2024 Sunday Jul 7, 2024
July 6th 10am - 5pm & July 7th 10am - 5pm
Village Green of Lincolnshire
100 Village Green
No entrance fee or parking fees!
The event is handicap accessible and wheel friendly!!
Treat yourself to a cold beer from Half Day Brewing, live music, empanadas and more!
Amdur Productions at 847-926-4300
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Printed courtesy of www.bglcc.org/ – Contact the Buffalo Grove Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce for more information.
50 1/2 Raupp Blvd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 – 847-541-7799 – info@bglcc.org